The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘mental health for all’ and after an unusual year, it’s an important time to promote just that.

Whether it’s been the worry of job security, concern for elderly relatives the impact on children’s feelings
and emotions, it’s fair to say the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will leave emotional scars for a long time
to come.

So how have the team at LOVELIVE found the last 8 months and adapting to a new kind of normal?

On my first day at LOVELIVE in March I started virtually from my own home. By using Teams and Zoom to communicate with my manager, we discussed the challenges faced, however, it would be key to keep in touch with the whole team. I can honestly say that the overall experience of starting with LOVELIVE virtually has been a pleasure. I have felt included from day one and I put that down to the genuinely lovely people that I work with.

As I’m working from home, I’m finding new ways of adapting my lifestyle to keep my mind and body in tune including getting up at a normal time every day, mindfulness apps are also great, as well as having a pooch by my side as a reminder to get out and take a walk. Plus, do something completely different on the weekends, just get away from it all.
Liam Livesey, Presentations Designer

Throughout it all our weekly LOVELIVE Zoom quizzes on a Friday afternoon became the highlight of my week. G&T in hand we laughed together and kept morale high, despite the challenges the week may have thrown at us. Now back in the office, albeit a slightly different normal, it’s great to be back in a familiar routine. We’re also lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to take part in an in-house mindfulness course which I’m really looking forward to.” Vicky Booth, Production Editor

The last 7 months have been very strange and a challenge I thought I’d just get used to, but it’s been much harder than I thought. Being a social creature, we need to be around people. Now that I’m back in the office, I feel so much better and it’s definitely improved my mental health.”
Randy Lockett, Presentations Designer

For more information about World Mental Health Day, including hints and tips on coping with change

If you are worried about the mental or emotional state of a friend or family member encourage them to talk to someone they trust or contact their GP. The Samaritans also offer emotional support 24 hours a day – in full confidence. Call 116 123 – it’s FREE or email

WorldMentalHealthDay #WMHD #mentalhealthforall #reachout #support #LOVELIVE